Project Description

The book “Giardini e no” by Umberto Pasti (published by Bompiani) is a manifesto of botanical resistance, personal and ironic, which -starting from the controversy against the fashion gardens- offers a cross-section of contemporary society.
Our proposal has reworked the editorial design of the original volume to create a multisensory book, designed considering the needs of readers and the actual usability, with the aim of making it properly – as the subtitle cites – a “botanical survival manual”.

The project involved editing the editorial format in order to make the book a pocket-sized book. In addition to this, some elements were added to the original book, both to facilitate access to the contents (photographs, botanical analytical index), and to improve the reading experience and use of the readers (inserting pockets-containers for collection of specimens, section for personal notes, use of an herbal fragrance).